My Goldens and Vets
My wife and I have had purebread Golden Retriver's for the last 18 yrs.(+/-) We have no kids, so these are our babies. We moved to Milton last year, and where in need of a Vet, that would help us with our dogs, and preferably make house calls, as our dogs do not like to travel, especially to the Vets.(Yep, we had a couple of miss-fits, for Goldens, but oh well) Last summer , after only being in Milton for 6 months, we lost (my buddy), to various Golden illness's, that came on over a period of time, all the way from his puppy days. We had 2 diff vets examine him, and we got 2 different solutions, both total opposites from one another As it was we had to put him down at 6 1/2 years, hardest day of my life We now have one left, (the wifes buddy), who is 8 yrs old. He has grown a skin lump on his neck, which started to get bigger, with no hair on it., but now has stopped growing, so it seems. We are watching it closely. My first Vet to see it, was and almost sure (with-out test) skin cancer, as they had see this in 4 or more case's, that looked that exact same, and advised surgery immediately, not yesterday, but today Deciding on a second opinion, I contacted Dr Lotey, since he was close by to where I live. He agreed to come to my house and see my dog, do blood work , and check him out After talking to Dr Lotey, I figured out that he is very smart and well versed, when dealing with dog ailments. (I grew up in Western Canada, and have always delt with vets on the cattle ranches that I worked on) Bottom line is this; my dog is having the time of his life, no slowdowns, the growth is not getting bigger, blood work is fine, Dr Lotey will be looking after all my Goldens in the future. If you need a dog Vet, this guy , you need to check out