From Dreams to Legacy

The Training Policy Committee (TPC) supports capacity building initiatives that develop knowledge, capabilities and skills to enable the implementation of Yukon First Nations' Final and Self-Government Agreements. We do this by providing funding, initiating, championing and coordinating projects, and managing Wayfinder.

About TPCPrograms & Services

2022-23 Annual Report is here!

Check out what we've been up to in the 2022-23 Annual Report.
2020-21 Annual Report

The Baseline Assessment results are in!

In 2015, the TPC looked at the needs, challenges and best practices in providing training to Yukon First Nation government workers. 370 people (83%) completed the survey! For more information or to get a copy of the report, contact us.

Indigenous Nation Rebuilding

In 2016, the TPC contracted a literature review of Indigenous nation rebuilding, which looked at the process of rebuilding nations, including essential training areas and best practices.

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